Learning Outcome 1.1:Develop a sense of historical empathy by viewing people, issues and events encountered in their study of the past in their historical context.
Learning Outcome 1.2:Consider contentious or controversial issues in history from more than one perspective and discuss the historical roots of a contentious or controversial issue or theme in the contemporary world.
Learning Outcome 1.3:Appreciate their cultural inheritance through recognising historically significant places and buildings and discussing why historical personalities, events and issues are commemorated.
Learning Outcome 1.4:Demonstrate awareness of historical concepts, such as source and evidence; fact and opinion;viewpoint and objectivity; cause and consequence; change and continuity; time and space.
Working with evidence
Learning Outcome 1.5:Investigate the job of the historian, including how s/he finds and uses evidence to form historical judgements which may be revised and reinterpreted in the light of new evidence.
Learning Outcome 1.6:Debate the usefulness and limitations of different types of primary and secondary sources of historical evidence, such as written, visual, aural, oral and tactile evidence; and appreciate the contribution of archaeology and new technology to historical enquiry.
Learning Outcome 1.7:Develop historical judgements based on evidence about personalities, issues and events in the past, showing awareness of historical significance.
Learning Outcome 1.8:Investigate a repository of historical evidence such as a museum, library, heritage centre, digital or other archive or exhibition.
Acquiring 'the big picture'
Learning Outcome 1.9:Demonstrate awareness of the significance of the history of Ireland and of Europe and the wider world across various dimensions, including political, social, economic, religious, cultural and scientific dimensions.
Learning Outcome 1.10:Demonstrate chronological awareness by creating and maintaining timelines to locate personalities, issues and events in their appropriate historical eras.
Learning Outcome 1.11:Make connections and comparisons between people, issues and events in different places and historical eras.